- 了解 Restful 是什么,基本概念及风格;
- 能使用SpringBoot 实现一套基础的 Restful 风格接口;
- 利用Swagger 生成清晰的接口文档。
二、Restful 入门
摘自百科的定义:REST即表述性状态转移(英文:Representational State Transfer,简称REST) 是Roy Fielding博士(HTTP规范主要贡献者)在2000年的论文中提出来的一种软件架构风格。 是一种针对网络应用的设计和开发方式,可以降低开发的复杂性,提高系统的可伸缩性。通俗点说,REST就是一组架构约束准则;在这些准则中,有不少是利用了现有的WEB标准能力。
而最终的目的则是简化当前业务层的设计及开发工作。Restful API 则是指符合REST架构约束的API,关于这个词在早年前其实已经非常流行,但大多数开发者对其仍然
处于观望状态,并不一定会立即采用。这个相信与当时技术社区的成熟度及氛围是密切相关。 无论如何,在微服务架构如此流行的今天,Restful API已经成为了一种必备的的标准设计风格。关键要点
理解 Restful 风格需要理解以下几点:- 资源
每个资源通常会被映射到一个URI,通过访问这个URI可以获取到信息。- 资源的表述
通常,Accept、Content-Type可以用来指定客户端及服务端可接受的信息格式,而这个就是资源的表述- 状态转移
名称 | 语义 |
GET | 获取资源 |
POST | 新建资源 |
PUT | 更新资源 |
DELETE | 删除资源 |
Restful 是无状态的设计,这点意味着交互过程中的请求应该能包含所有需要的信息, 而不需要依赖于已有的上下文。 然而 JavaEE中存在一些违背的做法,比如Cookie中设置JSESSIONID, 在多次请求间传递该值作为会话唯一标识,这标识着服务端必须保存着这些会话状态数据。PlayFramework框架实现了无状态的Session,其将会话数据经过加密编码并置入Cookie中, 这样客户端的请求将直接携带上全部的信息,是无状态的请求**,这点非常有利于服务端的可扩展性。
三、SpringBoot 实现 Restful
接下来,我们利用 SpringBoot 来实现一个Restful 风格的样例。
基于 PetStore(宠物店) 的案例,实现对某顾客(Customer)名下的宠物(Pet)的增删改查。1. 实体定义
public class Customer { private String name; public Customer() { super(); } public Customer(String name) { super(); this.name = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }}
Customer 只包含一个name属性,我们假定这是唯一的标志。
public class Pet { private String petId; private String name; private String type; private String description; public String getPetId() { return petId; } public void setPetId(String petId) { this.petId = petId; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }}
Pet 包含了以下几个属性
属性名 | 描述 |
petId | 宠物ID编号 |
name | 宠物名称 |
type | 宠物类型 |
description | 宠物的描述 |
2. URL资源
基于Restful 的原则,我们定义了以下的一组URL:
接口 | 方法 | URL |
添加宠物 | POST | /rest/pets/{customer} |
获取宠物列表 | GET | /rest/pets/{customer} |
获取宠物信息 | GET | /rest/pets/{customer}/{petId} |
更新宠物信息 | PUT | /rest/pets/{customer}/{petId} |
删除宠物 | DELETE | /rest/pets/{customer}/{petId} |
3. 数据管理
接下来实现一个PetManager 类,用于模拟在内存中对Pet数据进行增删改查
代码如下:@Componentpublic class PetManager { private static Mapcustomers = new ConcurrentHashMap (); private static Map > pets = new ConcurrentHashMap >(); @PostConstruct public void init() { String[] customerNames = new String[] { "Lilei", "Hanmeimei", "Jim Green" }; for (String customerName : customerNames) { customers.put(customerName, new Customer(customerName)); } } /** * 获取customer * * @param customer * @return */ public Customer getCustomer(String customer) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(customer)) { return null; } return customers.get(customer); } /** * 获取customer名下的 pet 列表 * * @param customer * @return */ public List getPets(String customer) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(customer)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (!pets.containsKey(customer)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return pets.get(customer).values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * 获取某个pet * * @param customer * @param petId * @return */ public Pet getPet(String customer, String petId) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(customer) || StringUtils.isEmpty(petId)) { return null; } if (!pets.containsKey(customer)) { return null; } return pets.get(customer).get(petId); } /** * 删除pet * * @param customer * @param petId * @return */ public boolean removePet(String customer, String petId) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(customer) || StringUtils.isEmpty(petId)) { return false; } if (!pets.containsKey(customer)) { return false; } return pets.get(customer).remove(petId) != null; } /** * 添加pet * * @param customer * @param pet * @return */ public Pet addPet(String customer, Pet pet) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(customer) || pet == null) { return null; } Map customerPets = null; if (!pets.containsKey(customer)) { customerPets = new LinkedHashMap (); Map previous = pets.putIfAbsent(customer, customerPets); // 已经存在 if (previous != null) { customerPets = previous; } } else { customerPets = pets.get(customer); } if (pet.getPetId() == null) { pet.setPetId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } customerPets.put(pet.getPetId(), pet); return pet; } /** * 更新某个pet * * @param customer * @param petPojo * @return */ public Pet updatePet(String customer, Pet petPojo) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(customer) || petPojo == null) { return null; } if (petPojo.getPetId() == null) { return null; } Pet pet = getPet(customer, petPojo.getPetId()); pet.setType(petPojo.getType()); pet.setName(petPojo.getName()); pet.setDescription(petPojo.getDescription()); return pet; }}
4. 控制层实现
SpringBoot 提供了 @RestController,用于快速定义一个Restful 风格的Controller类
@RestController=@ResponseBody + @Controller@RestController@RequestMapping("/rest/pets/{customer}")public class RestApiController { @Autowired private PetManager dataManager; /** * 添加宠物 * * @param customer * @param pet * @return */ @PostMapping public ResponseEntity
在Restful 风格的API 接口定义中,往往会引用 HTTP 状态码用于表示不同的结果,比如一些错误的状态类型。 这里我们Customer、Pet 进行存在性校验,若资源不存在返回404_NotFound。/** * 校验customer是否存在 * * @param customer */ private void validateCustomer(String customer) { if (dataManager.getCustomer(customer) == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.format("the customer['%s'] is not found", customer)); } } /** * 校验pet是否存在 * * @param customer */ private void validatePet(String customer, String petId) { if (dataManager.getPet(customer, petId) == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.format("the pet['%s/%s'] is not found", customer, petId)); } }
/** * 自定义异常,及拦截逻辑 * * @author atp * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class ObjectNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { public ObjectNotFoundException(String msg) { super(msg); } } @ResponseBody @ExceptionHandler(ObjectNotFoundException.class) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) public String objectNotFoundExceptionHandler(ObjectNotFoundException ex) { return ex.getMessage(); }
5. 接口验证
1. 添加宠物
POST http://{ {server}}/rest/pets/LiLei请求内容{ "name": "Smart Baby", "description": "very small and smart also.", "type": "Dog"}
201 createdContent-Length →0Date →Mon, 09 Jul 2018 05:15:01 GMTLocation →http://localhost:8090/rest/pets/LiLei/b5400334-e7b3-42f1-b192-f5e7c3193543
2. 获取宠物列表
GET http://{ {server}}/rest/pets/LiLei请求内容返回示例
200 OKContent-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8Date →Mon, 09 Jul 2018 05:23:27 GMTTransfer-Encoding →chunked[ { "petId": "b5400334-e7b3-42f1-b192-f5e7c3193543", "name": "Smart Baby", "type": "Dog", "description": "very small and smart also." }, { "petId": "610780af-94f1-4011-a175-7a0f3895163d", "name": "Big Cat", "type": "Cat", "description": "very old but I like it." }]
3. 查询宠物信息
GET http://{ {server}}/rest/pets/LiLei/b5400334-e7b3-42f1-b192-f5e7c3193543请求内容返回示例
200 OKContent-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8Date →Mon, 09 Jul 2018 05:25:24 GMTTransfer-Encoding →chunked{ "petId": "b5400334-e7b3-42f1-b192-f5e7c3193543", "name": "Smart Baby", "type": "Dog", "description": "very small and smart also."}
4. 更新宠物信息
PUT http://{ {server}}/rest/pets/LiLei/b5400334-e7b3-42f1-b192-f5e7c3193543请求内容{ "name": "Big Cat V2", "description": "I don't like it any more", "type": "Cat"}
200 OKContent-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8Date →Mon, 09 Jul 2018 05:31:28 GMTTransfer-Encoding →chunked{ "petId": "a98e4478-e754-4969-851b-bcaccd67263e", "name": "Big Cat V2", "type": "Cat", "description": "I don't like it any more"}
5. 删除宠物
DELETE http://{ {server}}/rest/pets/LiLei/b5400334-e7b3-42f1-b192-f5e7c3193543请求内容返回示例
200 OKContent-Length →0Date →Mon, 09 Jul 2018 05:32:51 GMT
- 客户不存在:404 the customer['test'] is not found
- 宠物不存在:404 the pet['LiLei/b5400334-e7b3-42f1-b192-f5e7c31935431'] is not found
四、Swagger 的使用
io.springfox springfox-swagger2 2.7.0 io.springfox springfox-swagger-ui 2.7.0
@EnableSwagger2@Configurationpublic class SwaggerConfig { public static final String VERSION = "1.0.0"; @Value("${swagger.enable}") private boolean enabled; ApiInfo apiInfo() { return new ApiInfoBuilder(). title("Pet Api Definition") .description("The Petstore CRUD Example") .license("Apache 2.0") .licenseUrl("http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html") .termsOfServiceUrl("") .version(VERSION) .contact(new Contact("", "", "zalesfoo@163.com")) .build(); } @Bean public Docket customImplementation() { return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).select() .apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.withClassAnnotation(Api.class)) .build() .enable(enabled) .apiInfo(apiInfo()); }}
在原有的Controller 方法上添加关于API的声明,如下:
@Api(value = "Pet Restful api")@RestController@RequestMapping("/rest/pets/{customer}")public class RestApiController { @ApiOperation("添加宠物") @ApiImplicitParams({ @ApiImplicitParam(paramType = "path", name = "customer", dataType = "String", required = true, value = "客户名", defaultValue = ""), @ApiImplicitParam(paramType = "body", name = "pet", dataType = "Pet", required = true, value = "pet 请求", defaultValue = "") }) @ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 201, message = "添加成功"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "资源不存在") }) @PostMapping public ResponseEntityaddPet(@PathVariable String customer, @RequestBody Pet pet) { ...
@ApiModel("宠物信息")public class Pet { @ApiModelProperty(name="petId", value="宠物ID") private String petId; @ApiModelProperty(name="name", value="宠物名称") private String name; @ApiModelProperty(name="type", value="宠物类型") private String type; @ApiModelProperty(name="description", value="宠物描述") private String description;
注解 | 描述 |
@ApiModelProperty | 用在出入参数对象的字段上 |
@Api | 用于controller类 |
@ApiOperation | 用于controller方法,描述操作 |
@ApiResponses | 用于controller方法,描述响应 |
@ApiResponse | 用于@ApiResponses内,描述单个响应结果 |
@ApiImplicitParams | 用于controller的方法,描述入参 |
@ApiImplicitParam | 用于@ApiImplicitParams内,描述单个入参 |
@ApiModel | 用于返回对象类 |
最后,访问 http://localhost:8000/swagger_ui.html,可看到生成的文档界面:
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